The main and only ingredient of this cocktail is letter-berries. All you need is to take a glass and put your favorite work of Edgar Allan Poe next to it, and…
start to pour some letter-berries into the glass. Make sure you make up words and sentences exactly in the same order they are in the Poe’s work. This is how you’ll get your own Poe in a glass. Wait a couple minutes until your berries extract the juice and enjoy.


If you like stripes - this Martini is for you. The Casino Royal, or the Striped martini, is a cocktail-variation of the original Martini. The ingredients and preparation are the same. All you need is to add some Tiger stripes for a more striped flavor.


The Invisible letters is the series of three shooters: Open Your Eyes, THE INVISIBLE LETTERS & FLY. If you find a secret flavor you’ll be able to see and notice the things you’ve never seen and noticed before.
The basic element of each of the shooters is a hidden text. When each cocktail is ready it must be stirred well to get the flow of letters and tequila in your shot glass. If you pick one of these shooters be ready to struggle a little bit until you read the cocktail up to the end. Only the secret flavor can make you enjoy the taste.
Ingredients: *text, *tequila (and a *fly for the FLY)


...the recipe’s lost.


The Benetton or “the cocktail of pencils”...

...the recipe’s lost.

Party De La Rose

The cocktail is based on Veuve Clicquot NV Champagne and black coffee rum

...the recipe’s lost.